As promised: My 4th way to get GREAT domains (without spending a lot of money)
First off, I started a Facebook Group for Domain Flips and you can get the link (FREE) by joining the Domain Flips Newsletter (also FREE).
Join here:
Earlier this week, I promised to let you know about my FOURTH WAY to find great domains without spending a lot of money.
Did you miss the first three? See them here:
#4: Find great domains that are ALREADY REGISTERED (but are NOT being used)
This is THE EXACT METHOD that I used to buy MERCH.CO that I later SOLD for a cool $35,000!
When you use a site like to check is a domain is registered or not, DON'T STOP THERE!
Check to see if the domain is ACTUALLY BEING USED.
If it's not, do your best to FIND and CONTACT the owner of the domain and ASK them if the domain is for sale or if they would be interested in selling the domain.
Frequently, people buy domains with the intent to either USE THEM or SELL THEM, but then they never get around to using the domain or even listing it for sale. I am so guilty of this myself.
Why? Well, it could be any number of reasons. Maybe they just got busy or maybe they just don't know the best way to sell domains (and they're hoping that eager buyers just come knocking on their door). Maybe they simply can't decide on what price they would be willing to sell the domain for so it just sits and sits.
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you already own an unused domain that is NOT listed for sale. Am I right? And if it's not listed for sale, then how are you going to sell it?
By not actively listing it for sale, you create FRICTION in the buying process. If this is you, DON'T FEEL BAD because most people do the exact same thing.
When someone checks a domain that you own because they WANT TO BUY IT, and they see that it is already registered and NOT listed for sale, most buyers simply move onto another domain search.
This is because taking the TIME and the EFFORT to first check if a registered domain is BEING USED OR NOT and then taking the TIME and EFFORT to see if they can find contact information for the domain owner is just not what most people are going to do.
Which means that so many buyers miss out on some great opportunities.
But I don't want you to miss out on these!
That's why I encourage you to find the contact information for owners of UNUSED DOMAINS! Let them know that you are interested in the domain and make them an offer.
HERE IS THE IMPORTANT PART: Even if they say that the domain is NOT FOR SALE or if they TURN DOWN your offer, you have now let them know that YOU HAVE INTEREST IN THEIR DOMAIN if they ever wanted to sell it in the FUTURE.
Why? Because as time goes by, THINGS CHANGE. The domain owner may lose interest in their original plan for the domain and they may get tired of paying renewal fees. Or they may have an unexpected bill come up and they need some quick cash NOW.
Who knows.
But if you have contacted them and shown interest, they might just THINK OF YOU when this happens and they might just decide that they are READY TO SELL and the might just reach back out to sell YOU the domain.
But ONLY if you have POSITIONED YOURSELF this way. Otherwise, the domain owner would have NO IDEA who you are or that you are interested in their domain.
This is exactly how I bought MERCH.CO. The domain was not being used so I found and contacted the owner. They responded with a HIGH PRICE and I didn't even reply. MONTHS LATER they message me with a crazy low price (in my opinion) if I could pay for it TODAY. I was literally driving to Boston for an event when I got this message and and I immediately pulled over and completed the deal (in case they changed their mind).
I don't know what made the sale so urgent to them and I'll likely never know. Maybe it was an unexpected expense or they just wanted a new MacBook without telling their spouse. I don't know and it's not my business, but I'm happy and they're happy.
Most people will not take the time to do these steps. It's NOT HARD and it really doesn't take much time, but by TAKING THE TIME and MAKING THE EFFORT, you can PUT YOURSELF IN THE POSITION to buy some really great domains that no one else even knew were for sale.
Anyway, I started a Facebook Group for Domain Flips and you can get the link (FREE) by joining the Domain Flips Newsletter (also FREE).
Join here:
Questions? Just ask!