I have adult ADHD (and you might, too)

If you consider yourself to be an entrepreneur but constantly feel frustrated that you haven't broken through and seen the success that you know is achievable, this email may help you.
To all my 'shiny object', imposter syndrome, "wannabe entrepreneur" friends, this may be the most important thing you've ever read.
You may have adult ADHD.
I was just tested and I have it. I'm 43.
You probably think that ADHD only affects kids. I did.
You probably think that you just need more discipline or organization. That's what I thought, too.
Honestly, the true lightbulb moment for me and it came as I was talking to a neuropsychologist. I told him that I don't believe that there is anything "wrong" with me, I'm just not disciplined, I get distracted easily by new ideas, and I have trouble getting myself organized and staying on task.
Then he said, "THAT'S WHAT THEY ALL SAY."
Really? I'm not alone? You mean that other people have the exact same problems that they can't overcome and they use the same reasoning that feels like a thinly-veiled excuse?
If I had heard this from anyone other than a clinical neuropsychologist (not cheap), I would have brushed it off. But knowing that he has massive experience with adult ADHD and coming from his position of authority on the issue, I finally took this seriously.
Since my diagnosis, I've read so many books and articles and I've watched tons of videos. Guess what? So much of it MAKES PERFECT SENSE. Reading story after story and thinking, "That's ME."
All my life I've chased ideas and felt like I've always been on the 'cusp' of breaking through, only to lose interest in one thing and start to chase another. When asked why I haven't 'broken through', I don't have a good answer.
Does this sound like you? If so, you're not alone.
We chase these things, these shiny objects, not because we actually like or need them, but because we want to, because they're 'fun'. Adult ADHD makes it very difficult to stay focused on one thing while at the same time NOT spending time thinking about or chasing something else.
Adult ADHD is not a bad thing. People with adult ADHD are typically overly creative, abstract thinkers who can solve problems in new and innovative ways. People with adult ADHD frequently have entrepreneurial tendencies that likely stem from not wanting to follow someone else's rules and a desire to not work for someone else.
Many successful entrepreneurs have adult ADHD. Some diagnosed, many undiagnosed. People with adult ADHD often hold multiple thoughts and ideas simultaneously and connect dots in ways that other people aren't able to see. They also often have atypical reactions to stimulants and other drugs (like THC).
I'm not a doctor or a therapist or a neuropsychologist. I can't diagnose you. But I can tell you that it's very common for adults with ADHD to feel better, take more control of their lives, and stay focused enough to work towards achieving their goals if they have a confirmed diagnosis.
Personally, just the diagnosis has helped me tremendously. The diagnosis doesn't serve as an excuse; it's more of a relief and I've felt less guilt all the time for always feeling like I'm coming up short and not achieving anywhere near my full potential.
It's made me more optimistic that, with some help, I can get myself organized, focused, and disciplined to do the things that I want to do.
What's next? While not required, there are plenty of medications available and a personal coach that specializes in adult ADHD is also highly recommended.
If you want some more info and recommended reading, here are some resources that I have found useful/helpful:
Books on Amazon:
Driven to Distraction: amazon.com/dp/0307743152
Delivered from Distraction: amazon.com/dp/0345442318
Online articles:
'Entrepreneurial ADHD' and How to Deal With It: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/252231
ADDitude Magazine:
If you made it this far, I also started a Facebook Group (but please only join if you have, or think you may have, adult ADHD): https://www.facebook.com/groups/adhdadult/