Something that I've never shared with anyone

I've added an incredibly valuable BONUS to the Self-Publishing Challenge!

This is something that I've been working on for over a year that I've never shared with anyone before.

Here's the scoop:

When I teach people about self-publishing, I focus on using books to build a business. Sure, collecting royalties is great, but you'd have to sell A TON of books to make any significant money.

But when you use your books to establish yourself as an expert and build your own audience (email list, social media), then you have something incredibly valuable.

This is why I recommend that people write their books in such a way so that they benefit from people reading their book even if they give it away.

To put it another way, people who read your book should end up on your email list because of an incentivized call-to-action as well as find (and follow) you on social media (you can do this by making it really easy for them through QR codes).

When you use KDP, you unlock some amazing marketing options that let you get your book in people's hands FOR FREE.

You can make your book FREE on Kindle, but the other way is the Free Plus Shipping Book Funnel.

Maybe you've already seen a site like this. They offer you the book "for free" and you just pay for shipping (and handling). This is often $5.99 - $9.99 or so.

This S&H fee will actually cover the printing cost of the book AND the shipping and leave you with a little bit extra so that it doesn't actually cost you anything to get your book into your customers hands.

SECRET TIP: You can actually have Amazon ship these types of orders for you for as little as $7 TOTAL (book + shipping) and you never leave the house or touch a book.

So what is my awesome BONUS that I'm including in the Self-Publishing Challenge?

I've secretly been collecting all of the best free plus shipping websites! I have a list of 89 DIFFERENT BOOKS that are available for free, just pay shipping.

And I'm sharing this list exclusively in the ​Self-Publishing Challenge​!

The list includes:

The website, links to the same book on Amazon (paperback + Kindle), and the prices on Amazon (print and Kindle).

And you know I'm going to make this NEXT LEVEL, right?

I've also included the links to the Facebook Pages that are used to run the ads AND links to the Facebook ad accounts so that you can SEE THE ACTUAL ADS that are used to drive traffic to these book offers.

You can see which ads WORK because you can see how long their ads have been running (people keep running ads only if they are working).

No need to reinvent anything. Just see what works and then plug your own book into a great free plus shipping book offer!

This list is just one of the many BOUSES that I'm including in the ​Self-Publishing Challenge​ that starts NEXT WEEK!

Have you always wanted to write a book but you thought that it would "take too long" or that it would be "too expensive"? Well let me help you overcome all of your objections through my new ​Self-Publishing Challenge​!


It's ten days of LIVE training and Q&A sessions with me where I'll teach you everything that you need to know to publish your own book.

When I explain all of this to people, I can literally see the gears start turning in people's heads when they slowly start to realize that everything they've thought about book publishing is probably wrong and that they actually could write a book! I see it over and over again and it's fun to watch every time.

And when you join the ​Self-Publishing Challenge​, you will also get OVER $1,200 in BONUSES as well as TWO BOOKS shipped directly to your door. And, if for any reason, you decide that the challenge was not what you needed, you can KEEP BOTH BOOKS as my gifts to you.


I'm so confident that the Self-Publishing Challenge will be the most enlightening, exciting, and valuable training that you've ever seen that I'm including a no-questions-asked 100% money-back guarantee.

Not satisfied? Just ask and you'll get a 100% refund.

And you can KEEP THE BOOKS, The Authorpreneur Blueprint and The Rise of the Reader, as my gifts to you!

That's right, join the Self-Publishing Challenge and if you're not completely satisfied just ask and get a 100% refund, and you can KEEP THE BOOKS!


Need 1-on-1 help? I got you.

Join the Self-Publishing Challenge and get your own 'Author Audit'

I'll make this a really easy decision for you and make joining the Self-Publishing Challenge worth your while.

I'm including a personal, 1-on-1 consulting call that we call an Author Audit for everyone who joins the challenge.

Are you an aspiring author?

What would it mean to you to finally get over the hump and become a published author? Let's figure out your topic, put together an outline, and set up your social media profiles.

Are you an established author?

What would it mean to you to finally have a proven marketing plan to sell more books?

Let's review your current book marketing strategies and start getting more book sales and grow your email list.

Self-publishing and book marketing are my specialties! Let's connect and achieve your publishing goals!
