My books are currently #1, #2, #3, and #4 on Amazon

And you can get ALL FOUR (plus two more) for FREE!

My newest book, The Flip Game, was released this week, but I didn't expect to go to #1 in the Entrepreneurship category, let alone #2, #3, and #4 ALL AT THE SAME TIME!

To celebrate the launch, you can grab it FOR FREE on Amazon (along with my other books and OVER $1,000 in launch bonuses) using this link:

In addition to releasing The Flip Game, I also announced the Profits In Plain Sight Practice Guides that let you PRACTICE researching items to FLIP using Google Lens, scanning barcodes, looking up model numbers, and scanning books all from the comfort of home!

Each practice guide is OVER 500 PAGES of FULL COLOR images and examples of items that you can find at yard sales, thrift stores, and estate sales that can BOUGHT and RESOLD for a PROFIT.

You can literally get YEARS OF PRACTICE in a fraction of the time and without ever leaving the house.

Guide #1: Over 1,000 images to practice using Google Lens.

Guide #2: Over 400 barcoded products and over 100 model numbers that you can lookup using the eBay app.

Guide #3: Over 1,000 book images and barcodes that you can SCAN with your phone to learn how to flip books.

All three Practice Guides are normally priced at $597 (they are $250 each on Amazon) but as a special offer during the launch of The Flip Game, you can get ALL THREE (plus The Flip Game) for just $397 (SAVE $200)!

This discount EXPIRES on FRIDAY