5X More Flips = 5X More Profits (Flips webinar is this week)

I see a lot of questions about how do you find items to FLIP.
Like 'HOW did you KNOW that item was a good flip?'
Or 'WHY did you DECIDE to look up that item?'
And then people also ask for LISTS of FLIPS or (BOLOs) so that they KNOW what to look for at yard sales or thrift stores..
But they are thinking about it ALL WRONG.
It's not about knowing what items are FLIPS or BOLOs.
We use our phones to look up items when we DON'T KNOW if it's a FLIP or NOT. But it has to at least have the POTENTIAL to be a FLIP.
If it was just about having a list of BOLOs, why would we need to look up items on our phones in the first place?
Being a successful flipper is about knowing (or at least have a good idea) which items are NOT FLIPS or BOLOs.
Because you're wasting your TIME looking up these kinds of items.
And 80% of items (at least!) at yard sales and thrift stores are not worth flipping, even if you got the items FOR FREE!
Think about that.
Yes, you can have ZERO experience and just take your phone to a sale or a store and start looking up every item and you MIGHT find some FLIPS.
But this is NOT a great strategy. If 80% of a sale or store is JUNK, most of the items you look up will be a WASTE OF YOUR TIME.
However, if you can tell which items are in the 80%-JUNK, then the OTHER 20% is where the FLIPS will be. Use your phone on these 20% of items to FIND THE FLIPS.
Remember, this doesn't mean that 20% of items are FLIPS. But the FLIPS will be in that 20%. Now use your phone to look them up.
So don't WASTE TIME on the 80%. FOCUS on the 20%.
Make sense?
Once you master this, you'll look up less junk and increase your efficiency by a factor of FIVE (looking up 20 items instead of 100 to find the same FLIPS).
That means 5X more Flips and 5X more PROFITS.
The Flips webinar is THIS WEEK! June 21 at 8 PM EST to be exact.
Seriously, you do not want to miss it! I guarantee that you have NEVER SEEN ANYTHING like what I'm going to show you on The Flip Game Launch Webinar.
Plus, I'm giving everyone who attends a FREE COPY of my new Kindle book, The Flip Game!
On June 21st, my newest book, The Flip Game, is launching LIVE on a special webinar and I want to give you a copy FOR FREE! ($9.95 value)
Get all of the details here: https://www.flips.net/booklaunch/
Or just use THIS LINK to LOCK IN your FREE COPY:
It may be silly, but for me, hunting for treasure at thrift stores and yard sales is just FUN! Especially when you can find items like this $2.49 NERF bat that can be FLIPPED on eBay for $75-$100 PROFIT!
I have so many great examples like this one to SHARE WITH YOU through the book and on the special launch webinar on June 21.
Seriously, you do not want to miss it! I guarantee that you have NEVER SEEN ANYTHING like what I'm going to show you on The Flip Game Launch Webinar.